Interested in becoming a Climate Smart Community?
Contact Us today!
The Southern Tier Clean Energy Communities Team has a Climate Smart Coomunities Coordinator on staff to help you and your communiy navigate the CSC program and the overlap with the CEC program. If you are interested in the CSC program and are in any county within the Southern Tier, please contact our CSC Coordinator today!
Jerry Sheng
Cornell Cooperative Extension Tompkins County
(607) 272-2292 x 164
CSC Coordinator for Tompkins and Tioga Counties
If you are not a part of the Southern Tier region, your CEC coodnator can help you with the CSC program.
You can find your CEC Coordinator here.
Step 1: Pass a Resolution: Pass the CSC pledge as a municipal resolution to join the program and become a Registered Climate Smart Community. Use the model CSC resolution as a template for drafting your local resolution.
Step 2: Register: After the resolution is adopted, designate a primary contact person to sign up for a portal account, complete the online registration form, and upload the adopted municipal resolution.
Step 3: Review and Select Actions: Log in to your account to review and select actions. Each action has a description that includes guidance about who should be involved, costs, resources, tools, and documentation requirements.
Step 4: Collect Documentation: Once you identify your selected actions, review the requirements for each action and begin organizing and uploading your documentation.
Step 5: Submit Application: Using the web portal, upload the required documents associated with each CSC certification action.